Saturday 22 October, 14:30


Creative Folkestone Quarterhouse | Folkestone Documentary Festival /

Si Pudiera Desear Algo (If I Could Wish for Something) 

at Folkestone Documentary Festival 2022

Dora Garcia | 2021 | Belgium, France, Mexico, Norway | 65’ | digital | Spanish & Purépecha spoken, English subtitles

Taking its title from a 1930 song by Friedrich Höllander, Si Pudiera Desear Algo is an inquiry into how to bring about more safety, security, and ultimately happiness for women, without leaving behind the empathy and solidarity that has grown as a form of resistance against sustained misogyny and continuing femicides. The film traces recent mass-participation feminist actions in Mexico City which have sought to dismantle the patriarchal violence of the state and imagine a radical future in its place. Interspersed with this footage of protests, squats and graffiti are glimpses into the studio of La Bruja de Texcoco, a trans musician based in the city. Over the course of the film, she writes, develops and records music, culminating with a finished song that is an articulation of the sentiment for a liberated future, and the film’s theme song.

Presented in collaboration with Folkestone Documentary Festival & Birds Eye View / Reclaim the Frame